The Archives: Over 190 tattoos available, in March only.

About the Deejo brand

Tattoo and engraving

Composition of the knife and sizes

Special products and models



Warranty and legislation

  • 1.

    Is it legal to carry a Deejo?

    Only the competent authorities can inform you regarding the legislation in force on the carrying of pocket knives in your country. In most Western countries, the use of this type of knife is accepted as long as you can justify its near or future use (camping, picnic, hiking, etc.).

    In general, it is recommended that you keep your pocket knife out of public view and avoid taking it to places where it is likely to be perceived as inappropriate, such as government buildings, nightclubs, stadiums, etc.

    It is the responsibility of each person in the use made of our knives and Deejo cannot be held responsible for the use of our products.

    Note that all these concepts are present in our general conditions of sale and use, reiterated below:

    12 - LIABILITY - force majeure

    12.2 It is the sole responsibility of the Client - who has declared by Their acceptance of the present to be of legal age - to comply with any regulations applicable in the country where They are physically in possession of Their  Knife or in the country where They have the Knife delivered in matters of purchase, import, and possession of over-the-counter knives.

    12.3 The DEEJO Knife requires serious, attentive and careful use by the Customer or any user who has access to it. [...] The Knife must never be left available or within reach of minors and, in particular, children. [...] DEEJO can never be held responsible or concerned with the consequences of any kind (including bodily injury to the Customer or to third parties or material damages…) of misuse, illegal use, use by any third party or poor accommodation of the Knife.



  • 2.

    Is there a warranty on a Deejo knife?

  • 3.

    I would like to delete my customer account.