Your custom-made knife, crafted and shipped within 48 hours


Article 1 : Organization of the Game


The company Coriolis SAS, registered in the Bobigny Trade and Companies Register under the number SIRET 402 900 971 00043, with its registered office at 22 rue Charles Graindorge, Bagnolet - 93170, hereinafter referred to as "the organizer", is organizing a game called "10 Years Deejo Wheel", hereinafter referred to as "the game". The company is organizing this contest as part of an online marketing campaign aimed at promoting the brand's products to users.


Article 2 : Purpose of the Game


The game involves participants spinning a wheel in order to try to win gifts or gift vouchers. Participation in the game implies the participant's full acceptance of these rules without reservation.


Article 3 : Date and Duration

The game will take place from October 1, 2024, to October 31, 2024, inclusive. The organizer reserves the right to extend the participation period and to postpone any announced dates.


Article 4 : Participation Conditions & Validity of Participation

4.1. Participation Conditions Related to the User: This game is open to any person meeting the following cumulative conditions:

- A natural person who is of legal age;

- A person with an Internet connection and a valid personal email address.

4.2. Participation Conditions Related to the User's Action:

- Participation in the game (spinning the wheel) is free of charge.

- Participation in the game requires registration via email, through the form provided on the contest's dedicated page.

- The receipt of prizes may or may not be subject to a purchase condition depending on the prize (see Art. 8)

4.3. Validity of Participation: Any participation in the game will be considered invalid if the provided email address is invalid.

Article 5 : Selection of Winners

All participants win a prize. Each participant can replay, limited to once every 24 hours (with the counter resetting each day at midnight).

Article 6 : Prizes

The game offers two types of prizes:

A - Gifts that do not require a purchase, with the list presented below:

1. 15 Deejo 37 gr Damas, with a unit value of $175.00 including tax;

2. 50 Deejo caps, with a unit value of $30.00 including tax; ;

3. 25 Deejo 15 gr copper, with a unit value of $109.00 including tax;. 

The number of these prizes is limited to the quantities listed above for the entire duration of the contest.

B – Gifts that require a purchase, with the list presented below:

1. Discount coupons of $10 including tax; ; 

2. Discount coupons of $20 including tax; ; 

3. Deejo Sporks valued at $20.00 including tax; ;

4. Sharpeners valued at $25.00 including tax; ; 

5. Sommeliers valued at $90 including tax; ;

6. Deejo 15g Globetrotter valued at $40.00 including tax;. 

These prizes are only valid if an order is placed on one of the Deejo websites (,, with a minimum purchase amount of 45 euros including tax and must be made no later than 15 days after the end of the contest. The number of these prizes with a purchase requirement is not limited during the contest period, but is limited to one prize per order.

Article 7 : Information or Publication of Winners' Names

The winners' names will neither be published nor disclosed.

Article 8 : Delivery or Collection of Prizes

Winners will receive a coupon code corresponding to the prize won via email. Winners must register on one of the Deejo websites (,, by creating a customer account. They will enter the winning coupon code received by email in the "coupon code" field. The winning coupon codes will remain valid until 15 days after the end of the contest. Winners will have their prize delivered to the address they provided in the account creation form. The prizes will be sent no later than two weeks after receiving the order. Winners of the prizes with a purchase requirement will receive their prize with their next order, provided that this order is for an amount greater than 45 euros including tax and is placed no later than 15 days after the end of the contest. Only one prize can be shipped with an order. If the participant wishes to use another coupon code corresponding to another won prize, a new order must be placed, with the same minimum order amount ($45 including tax). If the provided email address is incorrect, or if, for any other reason related to technical issues, the notification email cannot be delivered correctly, the prize cannot be claimed by the participant, and the organizer cannot be held liable under any circumstances. Similarly, it is not the responsibility of the organizer to search for the contact details of winners who cannot be reached due to an invalid email address or incorrect postal address. Winners who cannot be reached will not be entitled to any prize, compensation, or indemnity of any kind. The awarded prizes are personal and non-transferable. Furthermore, the prizes cannot be contested by the winners, exchanged, or converted into any other form of compensation. The company is not responsible for the non-sending of a won prize if the "coupon code" field is not filled in.

Article 9 : Promotional Activities

By accepting their prizes, winners authorize the organizer to use their contact details to send them commercial information. This information pertains only to the brand organizing the contest.


Article 10 : Personal Data

The personal data collected during participation in the game is recorded and used by the organizer for the purposes of participation and awarding of prizes. In accordance with the "Data Protection Act" of January 6, 1978, participants have the right to access, rectify, or delete information concerning them.

Article 11 : Liability

The participant acknowledges and accepts that the organizer's only obligations under the game are 1) to award a prize to each valid email address collected, subject to compliance with the terms and conditions of the rules, and 2) to deliver the prizes to the winners according to the criteria and methods defined in these rules. The organizer cannot be held responsible for any technical, material, or software failures of any kind, risks of contamination by possible viruses circulating on the network, or the lack of protection of certain data against possible misuse. Participation in the game implies knowledge and acceptance of the characteristics and limitations of the Internet, both in terms of technical performance and response times for consulting, querying, or transferring information.

Article 12 : Force Majeure / Reservations

The organizer's liability cannot be incurred if, due to a case of force majeure or reasons beyond its control, the game must be modified, shortened, or canceled. The organizer reserves the right to carry out any verification it deems useful, particularly to exclude any participant who has made an incorrect or misleading statement or committed fraud.

Article 13 : Disputes

The rules are governed by French law. Any difficulty in the application or interpretation of the rules will be resolved exclusively by the organizer. No telephone inquiries or complaints regarding the application or interpretation of these rules will be answered. Any disputes or complaints related to the game and the draw must be made in writing to the following address:
No complaints will be considered after eight days following the close of the game.

Article 14 : Consultation of the Rules

All documents are made available and accessible in english to any user and participant during the duration of the game. Participants are asked to make a backup copy and/or print all texts in order to refer to them if necessary.

Article 15 : Participation Fees

Participation in the game is free and without purchase obligation. For participants accessing the contest via a modem and a telephone line billed based on time spent – i.e., excluding cable, ADSL, or specialized lines and packages that include or offer communication costs – the connection costs incurred to participate in the contest will not be reimbursed to the participants.